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Because of the huge amount of documents kept at the Federal Archives, the archives' employees are hardly able to answer specific questions directly on the phone. The best way to receive a reliable answer from the respective experts is therefore to address a written enquiry to the Federal Archives.

Very general questions, however, can sometimes be answered by phone. This is especially true if you can narrow down the subject of your interest (i.e. film or photographs). Some contact information has been compiled in the right column of this page.

In order to secure the most comprehensive accessibility in spite of possible holiday periods, temporary absences due to illnesses etc., the Federal Archives have established "service teams". This is why we often do not name a specific person as contact, but the telephone number and e-mail address of a service team.

If you would like to address an enquiry concerning the use of archival material or a guided visit to a particular location, you will find the appropriate contact in the category "locations".