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"Slave Labor" in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Payments Until 2000

Paymnts Since 2000

Austrian Reconciliation Fund

More than 580,000 forced labourers were deployed in the territory of what is presently the Republic of Austria. To provide survivors with any benefits the "Fund of Voluntary Payments of the Republic of Austria to Former Slave and Forced Labourers of the National Socialist Regime" was established with the Federal Act of 27th November 2000. On the key date 31st July 2005, 352 million Euro were paid to 132,000 former forced labourers in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary with the help of the partner organisations.

Funds were raised through voluntary payments made by the Federal Government, the states, the economy and the church. The procedure of the Austrian fund as well as the Austrian fund legislation followed the German regulations very closely.